MORE THAN 40 yearS as a wrIter
Erendiz Atasü was born in Ankara in 1947. She graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara University in 1968. And was a professor of pharmacognosy in the same institution until her retirement in 1997.
She wrote her short stories with feminist consciousness. Have been published in literary journals such as Sanat Edebiyat ’81, Düşün, Çağdaş Türk Dili, and Varlık and her essays and articles on literary topics. On women issues, secular society and Republican reforms in journals and dailies such as Saçak, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Cumhuriyet Kitap, Radikal Kitap, Varlık, Papirüs, Cumhuriyet, and Aydınlık.
She has eight novels, nine story collections, seven collections of essays, and various awards. Some of her short stories have been translated to other languages and been published in anthologies. Great Britain, United States, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Italy , Czech Republic, and Croutia.
Her novel, DAĞIN ÖTEKİ YÜZÜ has been translated into English by the title of THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN and published in Britain. Her short story collection LANETLİLER has been translated into German and published in Germany by the name of DAS LIED MEERES. Another novel of hers, BİR YAŞDÖNÜMÜ RÜYASI has been translated into GREEK, and published in Greece, by the name of ON EIPO STHAN KLIMAKTHRIO. Read More…